Avishkar Research Club :
This club is an innovative practice with which students are motivated and trained in research areas. The club was established in the year 2011-12 and consistently training the student for research methods and other allied areas. This club every year conducts workshops/seminars on various human rights issues such as right to livelihood, right to water, farmerssubsides. right to shelter, child rights, Role of Judiciary in Protecting Human Rights & Human Rights During COVID-Pandemic.
Students members of this club participate in the Avishkar Compitition organised by the university and Maharashtra state as well. Students of this club also participate in Anveshan Research Competition.
Research center in law :
The institution has a Research Center in Law affiliated to the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. Currently 04 Research Guides viz. Dr. C. M. Rao, Dr. Aparna Kottapalle, Dr. Dinesh Kolte and Dr. Sachin Deshmukh (Phy. Edu.)are available under whose guidance 18 students are pursuing their Ph. D. in the centre.
Two students Dr. John Paul Mosambi and Dr. Pornima Dagdiya have been awarded Ph. D. in the year 2020-21 and 2021-22 respectively under the guidance of Dr. Aparna Kottapalle.
Research projects by faculty :
During last 10 years two research projects are undertaken by the faculty as follows
1. Dr. Aparna Kottapalle has completed 1MRP on the study of “Working of consumer forum in Maharashtra” which was funded by Ministry of consumer affairs Govt. of India through IIPA, New Delhi in the year 2013.
2. Dr. B. V. Paranjape, Vice principal had undertaken 1 Minor Research Project on “Study of public interest litigation in Maharashtra” in the year 2015 which was funded by UGC. However, due to the sad demise of Dr. Paranjape the word could not completed.
Reserach Publications
Procedure & Policy
Research Policy Document
Research Publications
Faculty Publications 2018-2023